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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shopwiki, Your Guide for Shopping

We know wikipedia, the website provide all information like country, history, book, man, etc. This site is being used by many blogger to add some information on their web/ blog. There is a website that give us all information about shop and product from many company, ShopWiki, so we can say this site as a shop guide, or online product catalog. But, unlike wikipedia, ShopWiki is work like google search engine. You can search many product by type a keyword you want.

For a test, I type "home and garden" keyword and find many product from many company. There are many product like a seat, a Housewares and Home Maintenance Guide, flower, garden and outdoor guide, freezer, etc. Just type with a keyword you want, and you will find many search result. May be you can type with electric, juicers, bed line, seat, etc. I think ShopWiki is important for us is plan to buy or find some product for our furniture. This site will give us a product detail, product type, price, and glossary, from many company.

Internet is provide many information, shopwiki give you a shop information. Compare it, traditional shopping sites will only show you stores that have paid for placement, and ShopWiki will give a shopper everything regardless if we can earn anything.


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