Even in information technology era, where internet with email or cellurar phone is connect so many people arround the world quickly, we still need a conventional tool to keep in relation with our friends or family. Yes, sometime, there is something is unchangeable. Like on a special occasion like christmas, birthday, wedding, new year, idul fitri, some people still continue their tradition on sending card to their family and relative. For this purpose we need a mailbox to receive a card or letter.
There are many mailboxes model with art and beautiful shape. We can find many of them like residential mailboxes, address plaque and address signs. Off cource, we need a mailbox, according to our purposes and house design. I think you can find this information on the internet. Find with keyword like mailboxes, address plaques, mailbox posts, or whitehall mailboxes.We need to choose a quality mailboxes. For this choice, we can choose mailbox posts that all components are manufactured from die cast, rust-free aluminum and applied with a weather resistant powder coat paint finish. So, the mounting and hinge hardware is protected from the weather as well. The extra-large capacity is need to holds oversized envelopes and magazines without folding. And finally, choosing a right choice will keep our mailbox save and have a more long time of use.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Find Quality Mailboxes For Our House
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8:38 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
The History of Surabaya City Development
Surabaya have it's own rapid progress of the city development. Asa capital city of East Java, this city is being a homebase by many office, factory, and many people to live. The historical change in urbanization since the historical change in summarized as follows.
In the beginning of the 19th century, the Dutch built Fort Kalimas at the estuary of the river Kalimas, and subsequently the city of Surabaya spread from north to south. In the middle of 19th century, a European Community was formed in the area lying between the river Pegirian and Jalan Indrapura, as the result of Dutch business interest.
Around the original city centre lived the different ethnic groups. The Dutch occupied the southern part of Jalan Niaga, the Chinese lived and carried on their business within the Old CBD (Central Business Distrcit), the Arabian community concentrated in the north east close to the trading harbor, while the native Indonesians lived immediately to the north of the Old CBD.
By the turn of the century, the city of Surabaya had a population of only 100,000. At this time, the Surabaya port was being constructed at Tanjung Perak, and trading and commercial activities expanded rapidly. By 1920, the population reached approximately 200,000.
The urban area then began to expand to the south towards Wonokromo. The general trend of urban growth was influenced strongly by a steam tram service which was initially designed to carry workers from south of the port in the north. Urban growth continued to expand from north to south, but was obviously delayed during the period of occupation and post-war disputes. The population in 1950 was about 450,000.
In the early 1960s , a new aspect of urbanization appeared. It was the expansion towards the east and west along the major roads, thus adding to the north-south corridor. A census indicated a population of approximately 1,000,000 in 1961.
After that, in 1976, the urban growth continued towards Gunung Sari hill in the west called the Darmo Satelite Town which was previously unattractive for urban development due to the water supply limitations. At the same time, the city master plan year 2000 was developed, with a structured plan approach mainly for controlling the land use. By the end of 1990, about 600 ha in the west area was almost ready for the medium and high income housing. This was driven by intensive resettlement movement, shifting from the city centre to make way for private-commercial redevelopment.
Because of the lack of potential infrastucture in the western areas, development only began early in 1980. In contrast, the eastern areas were developed by several private real estate companies. By constructing wide main access roads to the city, and installing connections to the citys water supply system, these areas of development grew faster compared to the western part. Presently, almost all assigned areas in the Master Plan 2000 produced in 1978 have now already been built up to the eastern tidal embankment limit 2.
Source: petra.ac.id
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11:57 AM
Surabaya City Development
Surabaya is the capital of East Java Province, Indonesia. This city is located near the Java Sea and Bali Strait. As a capital city, Surabaya have a similar problem like Jakarta: dense population, traffic jam, waste, air polution, water polution etc. But, as a second largest city in Indonesia, Surabaya have their own program to build this city.
The Pillar of the Surabaya history said that it was established in 1293 and it was the sign of Raden Wijaya victory, first King Majapahit opposed China troops with the Kali Mas as sea strategy basis in winning the battle. Since that time the Surabaya dynamics had kept developing in the rise and fall of the Majapahit Kingdom Government period, the Dutch occupation, England , Japan up to independence period. In the perspective of social-anthropological, Surabaya was phenomenon connecting with the heroism that was depicted in SURO and BOYO character. In each one of the periods they were able to face all sort of the challenge and barrier having a supply of social capitals which has been enlivened by the culture and the value of piety, so Surabaya has revealed in a big village and a civilized community. Social relations between the ethnic group and the proceeding group is very harmonious, full tolerant and the social tension never happened, even the tension of politics. The difference of politics is appreciated and precisely becomes the ornament and the community's mosaic in the multi ethnic group Surabaya village. The culture plurality, religion, ethnic group and social structure are precisely as the strength which has materialized in the extrovert attitude as the part of Surabaya character.
In dynamical history, Surabaya has got one character as the trade city and growth into the trader's cosmopolitan community which has the wide network to China , England , the Netherlands , and Portuguese. Since the 18th age, Surabaya had the various industry based on manufacture, and during 1870 became a pioneer in the industry field equal to the port cities of the world like Shanghai, Calcuta, Singapore and Hong Kong. As the trade city was needed by the adequate infrastructure support, and in 1878 was built the infrastructure of the first train that connected to the buffer zone like Sidoarjo, Gresik, Jombang, Kediri , Madiun and et cetera. The industry and trade development incised the achievement that was high enough for Surabaya , where in 1900 became the busiest port city and the biggest city in Hindia East which was controlled by Netherlands . The other development sector of industry and trade were the sector of the service. The 19th and the 20 early age, Surabaya developed by the plantation economic center in East Java, beside the centre of the service for industrialization in territories around Surabaya . As the industrial city, the trade and the service, Surabaya parallel became the extraordinary attraction towards the migration of the inhabitants from various areas in East Java , various ethnic groups, moreover from many other countries. During 1905 the Surabaya inhabitants totally counted 150.000 souls, among of them were the European ethnic group, China , India and Arabian. In one last age, according to the note of year statistics 2005 up to June 2005, the number of Surabaya inhabitants reached 2701.312 souls.
The Surabaya Flashback in various perspectives is a very long learning process and become capital of the foundation in building Surabaya in the future. The Surabaya development can not release from the basic character as the city service and the trade. The era demand and the inhabitants by considering the geographical position and geo strategic especially in five years in the future, need various innovations in the implementation of the Government and the development. The Surabaya challenge in the future is very heavy and complex, beginning with the transport problem, flood, demography, manpower, informal sector, investment, various infrastructure and the low quality level which supports the regulation and the bureaucracy as well as the community's culture that capable equated Surabaya with world cities.
utonomy region with authority decentralization is certainly good practices (the implementation innovation of the Government) towards the economics development, the public's service and politics development and the law better and realizing constructive in framework of the improvement of the inhabitant welfare. Supporting to the economics growth and the increase in the quality of the life by the fulfillment of the community basic rights to be the strategic agenda that in the achievement must be supported by the development acceleration of the infrastructure, the management and the assets development as the cost alternative, bureaucracy reform, and the constructive supervision system and responsible. This agenda will become the important part in realizing the Surabaya SMART and CARE
1.The increasing of the Democracy and Justice, Government is not expanded yet the democratic cultural in developed the government and social in a organizational manner in participation basic all stakeholders in decision making, the transparency and good accountability in planning, concretion and responsibility development. By doing that, it also the low level of law cultivation and the structural quality law enforcement that can create the safe feeling and faired for the inhabitants.
2.The Inefficient bureaucracy In the function as the regulator, facilitate and the service in the community, the government's bureaucracy of the Surabaya city is not showed an efficient achievement yet. This is caused such as, the lack system of the career level that based on the structure reward and punishment towards the achievement to the bureaucrat that is measured on the innovation and the inhabitants satisfaction on the service to be given.
3.Consistency in the Implementation of the Layout and Infrastructure The Implementation of the layout always goes with consistency which is very low and has resulted from in sequence like structuring system environmental sanitation, drainage, the network of the infrastructure of the supporter, transport system, and the balance growth city and the healthy then comfortable housing arrangement. The space order Surabaya system related directly with province system layout that placed Greater Surabaya was integrated with Gresik, Bangkalan, Sidoarjo and Pasuruan.
4.The City infrastructure The Shortage of the port infrastructure, toll road, east circumference and Supported road, as well as the airport as the prerequisite for the increase of trade city stream, service and investment.
5.Transportation and Communication Metropolitan is proper for cities generally, the mobility of the thing and the person moved very fast, so the transport problems and communication become the basic demand. The density of the Surabaya traffic is in the critical threshold as resulting from not more balanced between road infrastructures with the number of available vehicles, apart from the more system inefficient transport.
6.The flood and Waste Although having the increase in efforts to reduce the water dump area, but flood is still becoming yearly ritual in Surabaya city. Even so the problem of the waste is still flooding the corner of city even in fact to the channel of city drainage.
7. The informal sector and unemployment The Growth of the number of traders sector informally reached almost the figure 70. 000 efforts units, now the contribution from this sector presses the high poverty figure and the unemployment. The management sector is not optimal and tended spatial yet, and has serious effect towards the flow, the dirtiness, and the loss of the city traffic from other efforts sector.
8. Investment Despite from the year to the year showed the growth investment figure (in 2004) PMA US$ 2. 874083. 000 and PMDN US$ 17. 647. 004. 000, with the economics growth 5,45%, but because of Surabaya as East Java icon the growth and even as Indonesia East window, then the reality is still not appropriate yet with hope or not comparable yet with the level of the requirement which needed.
9.Development Funding Still the shortage of development funding is compared with the level of the requirement and the program that necessarily done by the government of the city. This is because of having no maximum efforts yet the excavation funding of the good development that the alternative intensification and extensification sources the cost of areas
It is based on several problems of the subject analyzed, so the development vision of the Surabaya city up to 2010, as like The realization of the Surabaya city as the trade centre and the smart service in responding to all the opportunities and the global demand, supported by the high interest in bringing about the structure of the government and is democratic, prestigious society in the healthy and humanity environmental structuring that was healthy and humanity.
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11:50 AM